Studio Patrik Schumacher
Tutors Jose Pareja, Aswin Shah
Team Yuhang Liu, Yuanming Wang, Yingxin Chen, Ning Xu
The dynamic self-organising principles of the emerging post-Fordist network society - variation, flexible specialisation, and networking - make modernist urbanism (zoning) and modernist architecture (continuous monotony) no longer conducive to stimulating the creative energy and productivity of multiple collaborations. We need a complex, legible urban design strategy beyond collage city, that adapts to the multi-species-ecology, with a certain global order.
In the urban scale design phase, our concentration is on the formal composition of a complex and varied order. Each Layer or subsystem is differentiated through progressive transformation, with layers interpenetrating/overlapping interrelated/interdependent. In our programme M.E.L.T., we are inspired by the physical process and resulting properties of the twirled fabric. With the impression of integrating multiple human activities to form new multifunctional hybrid spaces, while these hotspots interfere with each other, we place the twirl surface with four twirl centres into our Y-shape branching form linear site. Furthermore, the marching cubes algorithm is used to form a three-dimensional twirl skin grid. This "twirl skin" will be a second level of the ground surface in the district, which separately introduces pedestrian and vehicle flows vertically. It leaves most of the landscape, pedestrian walks, and outdoor activities above this skin, and the retail, service podiums, and vehicle paths below it. This skin connects to the bridge deck, forming an efficient connection to activate the communication between the north and south banks while forming multi-level functional spaces and activity platforms, providing more possibilities for accommodating the diversity of urban life.
In the architectural scale design phase, we hope that the detailed articulation of the building façade will reinforce the order of the global cityscape, which we call “deep relationality”. Every architectural element and feature supports urban scale concepts and differentiation. From form to programme, every functional use is implied by a corresponding façade language. The functional differentiation and mixing of the buildings vertically drive the variation and fusion of these façade languages, enhancing the orientation of the global form and the urban legibility at multiple levels. M.E.L.T. forms a vertically interpenetrating and active urban space. It aims to integrate functions (Merge), radiate the surrounding area, soften the boundary of the area (Erosion), connect linearly and efficiently (Linear), and guide the activities of the crowd (Twirl).