Studio Patrik Schumacher
Tutors Jose Pareja, Philipp Siedler
Team Keerti Manney, Shardul Awasthi, Siyu Shen, Xiaobin Fang, Zhuoyu Zhang
MetaFluxion proposes a VR/AR empowered Metaverse as a platform for seamless communication and interaction. The project communicates information with its users while simultaneously regulates productive interaction through personal/shared immersive experiences, spatial browsing, and concurrent and co-located events. The Metaverse urban and architectural spaces transform into communicative interactive interfaces and portals to the virtual world, continuously responding and adapting to changeable user behaviours and choices.
To achieve this complexity, MetaFluxion proposes a decentralised social system with financial tokens for the construction of a persistent Virtual Community that is necessary for the sustainable occupation of the Metaverse. The system provides digital governance tools to achieve crowd consensus concerning virtual real-estate decisions, user privileges, and governance policies, in which the platform token-holders and stakeholders can participate in a real-time manner through a voting system.
Furthermore, the concept of fluid dynamics is employed on two scales: on the macro level for the urban scale and on the micro level for the design of the Plaza and other urban details. Design decision on both levels respond to the governance policies in continuous flux with varying degrees of interactivity. On the urban level, the intermixing fluids are representative of the program which generates the Urban Circulatory Patterns and the Fabric. The urban building typologies are developed in response to the hybrid programs derived from intermixing fluids and offer conditions of user-customisation and space negotiation. On the plaza level, the intermixing fluids are representative of the degree of interaction between users. This process gives rise to continuously fluid social spaces that break away from the traditional public/private dichotomy and moves towards a dynamic array of social exchange scenarios across multiple high interaction nodes.