
Studio Patrik Schumacher

Tutors Jose Pareja, Philipp Siedler

Team Eyamuna Anbalagan Gomathy, Gulzar Ahmed Khan, Harunn Gokul Nandakumar, Shivam Garg, Xueqing Ding 

Metaverse is a world of endless, interconnected virtual communities where people can meet, work, play, socialise and collaborate. Our city intervention is titled “METAPOLIS”. The primary stakeholders of Metapolis are the Creators(users) and the foundation team. The latter is responsible for the initial development of the built spaces before this is populated by the creators. The creators are then presented with a set of design parameters to customise their built spaces breaking thus the monotony of the city fabric. 

 Navigation networks are created after studying various generative patterns. The primary network is derived from the study of field lines while the secondary network is created using shortest walk simulations. The Navigation system is divided into two different levels: The first level possesses pedestrian movements, and the second level comprises Pod connectivity. The pods can transport the users to different zones faster than the pedestrian level. Though walking takes more time to reach a zone, the users can generate coins for the area covered which can then be used in the Metapolis itself to buy NFTs and other assets. 

 Metapolis has 4 different districts spread on either side of the river. The Business district is placed at the centre of the site and will act as a gateway to the city’s financial and business corporations. The district consists of meeting rooms, corporate headquarters, conference halls and spaces for events related to the business districts. Second, the educational district includes universities and online spaces that can facilitate learning. The third is the entertainment district, which empowers the users to enjoy, experience and explore the city in an adventurous way. The river itself is the fourth element and is perceived as a central plaza hosting parties, events, and social gatherings. The scale of each district is based on its potential in the metaverse. The zoning follows fluid simulations to achieve an interlaced fabric across the city instead of isolated defined zones.